Category Archives for "Credit Scores"

Don’t Commit One Of These 3 Credit Sins

I met someone yesterday who told me how she “got even” with her credit card company. She called in to try and get them to waive the new “maintenance fee” they were going to start charging her next month. She pointed out that her account was in good standing and in the previous 15 years […]

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You Are NOT Your Credit Score

This site talks a lot about how important credit scores are in this economy and how to boost credit scores to get the lifestyle you deserve. That being said, the one thing I want to emphasize is… You ARE NOT your credit score! Sometimes it can feel like your credit score is an extension of yourself… […]

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How Do I Fix My Credit When It Goes To Hell?

One day you’re making good money, taking care of business and paying all your bills on time… The last question on your mind is “How do I fix my credit?” Life is good.  You’ve got good credit and your scores are up there.  You can afford to get that nice car and home because you’ve […]

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The Credit Score and How It’s Calculated

One of the first steps toward having outstanding credit is to understand credit scoring and the uses of it. Maybe you’ve spent a long time telling yourself that good credit didn’t matter; you would buy everything with cash.  But did you know that your credit score is used for everything from getting a job to […]

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