​Credit and Debt Resources

​These are our recommendations for the best credit resources in the United States.  We are affiliates for many of them and work with these companies often.

Each category is in red font below so you can quickly find what you specifically need.

Chalkboard Credit Resources

Here's our list of the best credit resources:

Credit Monitoring Services

Credit Monitoring is a great service because it lets you to access your credit reports without having to pay each time.

As an example, if you want to check your 3 credit reports once a week for the first year, that would be 144 credit reports!
If they each cost $9, you would have to pay $1,256!

ID theft protection is also included with most credit monitoring services.

The FBI now reports that Identity Theft is the fastest growing crime in America.
Identity Theft can cost you THOUSANDS of dollars and also hundreds of hours to fix.
Identity theft doesn’t seem like a big deal until you have to go through the headaches it causes.

You need to make sure you pick the right service because there are several companies that charge too much and don’t give you the features you want and need.


LifeLock – LifeLock has several services they offer and the main one is called Command Center.
Here’s a few of the main features:

  • Credit Reports
  • Credit AND non-credit alerts
  • Address Monitoring
  • Lost wallet Protection
  • $1 Million Total Service Guarantee

Check out LifeLock to protect your identity and keep a close eye on your credit reports.

Get your report with Quizzle! Quizzle Gives you a free credit report and credit score.  It is not the same as credit monitoring but it does provide you access to your information at no cost!


Credit Cards and Loans

Credit cards and loans can be a great tool when used properly. We do not condone getting numerous accounts and charging a lot on them.
As shown in the Credit Repair Doctor®, having several diversified open accounts that have balances of 30% or less of their credit limit can improve your credit score.

Lending Club LendingClub.com allows Americans to lend money to other Americans. This is a great way to help other Americans out or get yourself a loan. The loan application is easy and they have funded over $325,000,000. Their interest rates tend to be considerably less than most banks too. If you want to fill out their fast application to get a loan, check it out HERE


Attorneys For Credit Laws, Bankruptcy & Other Laws

credit problem resources If you have more than $5,000 in debt and you need help to get a clean slate, BK Net Systems will easily get you in touch with an attorney. They have a really fast process that is not intimidating. Click HERE to get help.                      lawyer for credit issues The National Association of Consumer Advocates will direct you to the proper attorney depending on what state you live in and the financial type of issue you are looking to resolve: https://naca.net/find-attorney     Find a Lawyer - LegalMatch   Legal Match will help you find the best attorney in your area for your needs.  The website is easy to use and you get paired up quickly.


 Auto Loans

1-800 Auto Yes has a fast and easy application.  They can place you with the best rates no matter what your credit situation is.  Use their simple form to get the best deal possible

Edmunds.com  Edmunds is well known by most.  They have been around a long time and have a huge network of dealerships, sellers and financing options.

Credit Repair Services

The credit repair services below are companies that will do the work for you..   With the Credit Repair Doctor®, you can easily improve your credit yourself.  If you still don’t want to do this yourself, these are the two best services:  credit repair resource from lex
Lexington Law has helped more than 500,000 clients since 1991. They have helped clients remove millions of questionable negative items from their credit reports.

creditrepair.com resources

CreditRepair.com is one of the largest companies helping Americans improve their credit.  As of writing this they have helped remove over 1.5 million items from consumer credit reports! You can’t go wrong with them or Lexington law.



Cash Advances

Don’t take out loans unless you absolutely need to.  They have high interest rates which can make it more difficult to pay off. There are times where you need the money and there isn’t another choice.  If you are in dire need of cash in your pocket, there are a few places that have helped people get cash fast.

Since 1997 CashAdvance.com has been helping visitors in need of short term loans. CashAdvance.com has the largest network of lenders to find you the best rates. Their application is easy and can be quickly filled out  HERE



Those are the main resources that can help you with your credit and finances.
You should always perform your due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. We are not providing legal advice.  If you need legal advice, you should contact an attorney. We may be an affiliate with some of the providers or services mentioned above and may be compensated when you purchase from them.  You still get the same price, the company just compensates us for referring our clients. 

Any questions? Feel free to use the contact us link at the bottom.