Credit Video Interview Debunks Credit Myths

credit myths debunkedToday I have a freebie for you. It’s a video interview I did with Bob Poole.

We debunked credit myths, talked about how credit laws and new technology advances are working in your favor.

We even poked fun at the 3 credit bureaus.
(Hehe, who doesn’t like doing that once in a while?)


Here are some of the things you’ll learn in the video:

  • Why incomplete or inaccurate information on a report can be good for you. It happens about 20% of the time and handling it the right way can work in your favor whether that account is in good standing or bad.
  • The bait creditors use to reset the statute of limitations clock and why you shouldn’t bite.
  • Bob and I talked briefly about recent advances in technology and how they’re actually making it easier for you to repair your credit.
  • The 10 minute technique you can use to give your credit a quick boost. As much as 100 points. That’s enough to dramatically change a mortgage rate or get you a better car loan. It can even help you get better car insurance rates. This technique works for young adults too.
  • Near the end of the video, Bob and I talk about the FICO credit score. This is the one 80% of lenders use. I also explain why the 3 credit bureaus decided to create their “Vantage” score  and why it’s important to know the difference between these two scores and the nickname lenders affectionately gave the Vantage score.  (Hint: it rhymes with FICO).
  • The one place to go online to get a truly free credit report and why you want to see all 3 of your credit reports.

We covered all this and more. It was a fun interview full of credit tips and info to help you fix your credit. You can watch it for free:



About the Author

Jeremy Maher dealt with harassing collector calls, debts piling up and damaged credit for years. He improved his situation and started helping others.   That leads us to today, where Jeremy has DIY solutions for stopping collection harassment, eliminating debt and improving your credit scores. His clients can improve their situation within the comfort of their own home.