Kung Fu Kredit Repair Specialist Getz Their Butz Kicked - mycreditdoc.com

Kung Fu Kredit Repair Specialist Getz Their Butz Kicked

Are you thinking of enlisting the help of a credit repair specialist to help you get the good credit you need and deserve?  You sure aren’t alone, but if you don’t know what to look for, you could wind up right in the middle of a credit disaster that eats a hole in your pocket.

Before you choose to use ANY credit repair specialist, you need to read this!


I would love to be able to make this funny, but the sad fact is that too many people have been taken advantage of by this type of situation to laugh about.  Maybe you’re one of them, maybe you’re thinking about becoming one of them…

Did you know that almost every credit repair specialist out there is actually finding that they are getting shut down because they cannot stick to the laws according to the Credit Repair Organizations Act?


It’s true.  Almost every credit repair specialist will lure you in with the promise of  quick credit repair but they take your fees month after month with no results.

Did you know that the CROA (Credit Repair Organizations Act) requires that every credit repair specialist disclose all of their fees upfront and that you find out exactly where your monthly payment is going?


When it comes to credit, lots of people don’t know these things.  We are fooled into thinking that “credit bureaus” are a power unlike any other.  As if you’re thinking you could just walk up and talk to royalty, right?

Almost every credit repair specialist  feeds off of this and will tell you that they can “negotiate” with the credit bureaus and that you wouldn’t have the same success.  Not true!!!

Then, as a way of keeping you in the dark, almost every credit repair specialist will not tell you whats happening with your file.  So, you’re thinking that everything is working out only to discover that you haven’t had any progress.  There are only a couple good companies out there that give you an account where you can see your progress.  I’ll probably mention them at the bottom of this post.

The Credit Repair Organizations Act also requires that ever credit repair specialist not ask you to lie about you, your situation or identity.


In other words, if you have a debt on your credit report and you know it’s yours, you can’t tell the credit bureau that it’s not.  Not only is this not legal, it’s not ethical.

One of the things that many people don’t realize is that credit repair can be done without a credit repair specialist.

According to the CROA and other legislation, the average consumer (you and me) has the right to dispute listings on their credit report which might be inaccurate and can do so through the credit bureaus!!!

How much does it cost to write a letter?  If you have a pen and paper, nothing.  Now, how much does it cost to send something certified mail?  A couple of bucks maybe?  Even at ten dollars for this service, you can save yourself hundreds of dollars when you dispute any inaccuracies on your own and avoid a credit repair specialist that is out to charge you for what you already can do.

Even if you find that you have to pay off some debt, you can often negotiate with your creditors to settle them for pennies on the dollar and still have them listed as PAID IN FULL!!! That’s it, no extra fees, no struggling for months and months to take care of the situation.

If you choose to go with a credit repair specialist and it turns out to be the wrong one, you are paying a monthly fee for them to talk to the “credit bureaus” and your creditors on your behalf.  This monthly fee could potentially get you in more trouble than you were before and your credit will be no better in the end.

Think twice before you choose a credit repair specialist and make sure that they are well aware of the laws and your rights before you sign on!!!

I can’t tell you how many horror stories I have heard.  Luckily with all the horror stories, also follow success stories.

So you know you can do this yourself, yet many people are too busy to do this.  If you are busy and do not have the time, then there are a few solutions out there for you.

Unfortunately most of the companies are a waste of time and money. Check out the few we recommend here:

Resources for Credit Repair

About the Author

Jeremy Maher dealt with harassing collector calls, debts piling up and damaged credit for years. He improved his situation and started helping others.   That leads us to today, where Jeremy has DIY solutions for stopping collection harassment, eliminating debt and improving your credit scores. His clients can improve their situation within the comfort of their own home.

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