Bad Advice On A Credit Repair Blog

These days you can find credit repair tips on many credit repair blogs.

Most credit repair advice contradicts each other from one credit repair blog to the next

My loyal readers know that all of the content on my site is accurate and helpful. As you start to look around at some of the other credit blog’s out there, you start to see incorrect info and some advice that can put a person in a worse situation.

I was looking at this one site about an hour ago and was sad to see what they were dishing out as advise. This site, which I will not mention (“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”– My Mom) this advice was counterproductive. It could actually put the reader in a worse situation.

This website advised the reader to use the template letters they had shown on their website. So that means all of the readers of that website were using the same template.

What’s worse, is those reader that do not know any better think that’s great advise.


Here is why (Few know about this):

The credit bureaus or credit reporting agencies that you write your letters to use something called OCR. OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition and that means they can scan and read your letters electronically and then give it a 3 digit code.

No big deal so far, right? nope…

♦♦♦Here is the problem:♦♦♦

The credit bureaus have an enormous database of all of the letters that get sent into them. If they find a format that has been used several times, they RED FLAG it and it gets the FRIVOLOUS code.

In other words, your letter will automatically get put in the “trash” pile and your efforts will be for nothing. NOT ONLY THAT, but if you have a couple letters that get flagged as frivolous, they can reject your future claims for about a year.

So imagine this…

You go to a credit repair tips blog and find a form letter. The reason you are looking for help is that you had someone steal your identity and they bought a car in your name. (If you have had this happen, you know how surprisingly easy this is)

Then you find this letter that shows how to tell the 3 credit bureaus that this car loan is fraudulent and you think “This should be easy to prove”

Here is the problem; you use a template that a thousand other people have used in the last 6 months. Next think you know, you are ignored and they won’t listen to you.


I am here to spread the word on this credit site. There is an easy way to prevent using these typed template letters….

It is so easy and yet very few experts know about this or advise this:


The OCR system has trouble reading handwriting. So you will want to start by handwriting the letter AND make sure you handwrite the address on the envelope. That may seem like and obvious credit repair tip, but many shady credit repair companies use printed labels

When they use those labels, that screams COMPANY and NOT individual. The credit bureaus are allowed to ignore dispute letters from companies, but not the individuals. (Another reason to repair your credit on your own)

So make sure you hand write it and make it your own. Customize the letter to your particular situation.

I have a couple more tips on credit report dispute letters:

  • Do not give a lengthy description – Keep the letter simple. It is going to get a 3 digit code no matter how much you write.
  • Do not threaten them in the beginning- It is pointless.
  • If you are going to threaten them after they do not do what they are supposed to, make sure you really have the intent to do so. A threat that is not truly intended can be illegal.
  • Make sure to include 2 forms of ID- Photocopy of: License, SS card, Passport, utility bill, etc

About the Author

Jeremy Maher dealt with harassing collector calls, debts piling up and damaged credit for years. He improved his situation and started helping others.   That leads us to today, where Jeremy has DIY solutions for stopping collection harassment, eliminating debt and improving your credit scores. His clients can improve their situation within the comfort of their own home.

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